Season 2

The schedule for Season 2 is set out below. There will be 20 episodes that commence on Thursday, 15 June 2023. (Transcripts to follow).

Broadcast dateEpNameTitle (click on title for link to podcast)Transcript
15/06/2023S2E1Dr Marek PosardRussian forces in UkraineTranscript
22/06/2023S2E2Dr Adam PrimeDissent and indiscipline in the Indian Army during WW1Transcript
29/06/2023S2E3Dr Alex MayhewMorale in the BEF on the Western Front, 1917-1918Transcript
06/07/2023S2E4Katherine Quinlan-Flatter Victory Through Faith – the Political Activation of the WehrmachtTranscript
13/07/2023S2E5Jake Gasson Managing Boredom in Salonika in WW1Transcript
20/07/2023S2E6 Dr Spencer Jones Motivation in the later stages of the Boer WarTranscript
27/07/2023S2E7Tim LynchBritish Conscript morale in 1918Transcript
03/08/2023S2E8 Dr David HarrisvilleValues, morals and motivation in the Wehrmacht on the Eastern FrontTranscript
10/08/2023S2E9Prof. John SpencerMorale and urban combatTranscript
17/08/2023S2E10Dr Dermot RooneyTactical psychology and the will to fightTranscript
24/08/2023S2E11Dr Luke Hughes Burden of Command -morale in computer gamesTranscript
31/08/2023S2E12Dr Ben ConnableThe RAND will to fight studiesTranscript
07/09/2023S2E13Dr Reuven GalThe Israeli SoldierTranscript
14/09/2023S2E14Dr Zack WhiteDiscipline, morale and the British soldier during the Napoleonic WarsTranscript
21/09/2023S2E15 Dr Tim Lockley Motivation and service in the British West India Regiment during the Napoleonic WarsTranscript
28/09/2023S2E16Prof Peter StanleyDiscipline in the Australian Imperial Force in WW1Transcript
05/10/2023S2E17Prof. Eyal Ben AriMotivation and combat formationsTranscript
12/10/2023S2E18Jane Gulliford LowesLMF and Bomber Command in WW2Transcript
19/10/2023S2E19Prof Tobias KellyConscientious Objectors during WW2Transcript
26/10/2023S2E20Prof. Ed CossThe British Soldier during the Peninsular WarTranscript
3/11/2023S2E21Dr David StahelGerman Panzer Generals Transcript
10/11/2023S2E22Prof Michael SnapeGod and the British SoldierTranscript
15/8/20242E23Sean ScullionSpanish Republicans during the Second World War
8/8/2024S2E24Dr Richard BaxellMotivation of British volunteers in the Spanish Civil War
7/10/2024S2E25 Max Lauker & Antonio GarciaService in the Swedish Special Forces